Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 48 Meditation 2/18/14

Today we repeated our normal routine. Although it was the same routine something was very special about today. I had the most amazing meditation experience. So far all of my meditations have been mediocre. I have had many thoughts stream in and out causing me to be distracted, and I never finished with a feeling of accomplishment, just with a relaxed state. Today around 4pm Ryan and I walked to the small temple to do the sitting meditation for twenty minutes. My meditation started off the way it always does, filled with thoughts. About five minutes into it, I remembered that the monk asked us to add a few steps to our meditation. He said when you inhale say in your head "rising", exhale say "falling", and for the few seconds in between say sitting and then touching of the right hip, and then the left hip. I did this in my own fashion. I imagined a vertical wave of light going up to my head for rising, and then the wave coming down for falling. For sitting I pushed the light from my waist to my toes, and then I would send it to each hip. This worked really well for the first two minutes. It kept my mind thought free and I was totally aware of my inner energy. Then all of a sudden When I sent the light to my toes, my toes would tingle. When I sent it to my hip, my hip would feel really hot. After a few minutes the heat on my hips from the light began to turn into a tickle. It took a lot for me to not laugh. I completely felt the energy of light travel through my body tingle my toes and tickle my hip. It was the strangest, most amazing experience ever. The last ten minutes of my meditation I had a permanent smile on my face. When the timer went off, alerting me that twenty minutes had passed, I looked at Ryan and busted up laughing. It took me a minute to gain my composure and share with him my experience. When we left the temple, I felt that I was in a state of satori. Everything looked different. For ten minutes I felt like I was on a hallucinogenic. Colors looked vibrant, I noticed the details in everything, and I felt at one with my surroundings. My hips also felt incredibly weak, like I gave them an intense workout. We sat on a bench outside, and after fifteen minutes the satori had passed, but my excitement of my experience had not.

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